Type of Beer: Spiced Ale
Alcohol Content: 5-6%
Beer Review –
Appearance: Pours an attractive red amber with little carbonation,great clarity and a nice two finger light tan colored head. Excellent lacing and head lasted entire beer.
Smell: Clean hop smell with some holiday spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg), fruits and a soft malty sweetness.
Initial Taste: Very clean refreshing beer. There is no mistaking this is a spiced ale yet has the characteristics of a nut brown ale as well. The the dominant flavors are spicy hops followed by sweet malts and spices with a very nice nutty aftertaste.
Thoughts: Abita is known for great seasonal brews and this is no exception. This is what a Winter/Christmas brew should taste like. Very easy to drink with a great balance between the sweet and spices. There are notes of all the spices one would come to expect from a holiday brew of this type – nutmeg, cardamon, cinnamon and cloves. These spices are balanced perfectly with the sweet malts and nutty finish. There is lots of flavor yet soft enough to be a session beer. Highly recommend.
*You may notice there is a year (2009) in the title of this beer. This is because the recipe for this very special ale is different every year.